Espresso and Soirée Concert 12. Mai 2022

Clarade Groote, percussion
You-Ting Chung, Felix Ernst – Percussionists of the Orchesterzentrum NRW

Espresso Concert 12.30 am 
Lensing-Carrée Conference Center (LCC)

Soirée Concert 6.30 pm 


The programme promises a varied insight into the different genres of the still young literature of percussion: from emotional tango, to wild rhythms in the work for percussion trio, to gentle sounds on the marimba.

Works by among others Alexej Gerassimez („Piazonore“ for vibraphone and piano)
Iannis Xenakis („Rebonds B“ for percussion setup)
Nebojsa Zivkovic („Trio per uno“ for percussion trio)
Tickets 12,50 available at the Mozart Gesellschaft Dortmund
Tel. +49 231 427 43 35 or